Stuff I like and maybe a reasonable explanation, and maybe not...Oh and maybe deep and scathing coverage about Elephants...but probably not
Friday, July 30, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Forever = 18 years in child support
The place that the retail chain Forever 21 exists in is an odd one, it features bible quotes on the bottom of its bags as a "demonstration of the owners faith" but at the same time sells incredibly poor quality merchandise thus perpetuating the already problematic throw away society that America has evolved to become. If the line between corporate message and reality had already been thin, now it has become virtually non-existent with the announcement of amaternity clothing line.

'The Newest Addition to our Family" - Is Forever 21 also educating teen girls that you can't throw away a baby like a ripped V-neck that they bought last week?
I understand that a company has a bottom line that they have to constantly be worried about (especially within the current economic climate) but I'm not sure this is the way that a company who caters to a younger teen demographic should go about business. Despite thinking it was an odd direction, I really wasn't that up in arms about the Love 21 maternity line until I found out that they were rolling out the new line in states with high teenage birthrates. It makes sense if you look at it from a financial stand point, but from an ethical standpoint they might as well show their models taking bong hits and chugging 1.75s of Smirnoff (as teen mothers 15-17 are over 10 percent more likely to have engaged in these activities then their peers).
It should go with out saying, as it's pretty apparent that a baby bump is a pretty chic accessory for the trendster on the go, but the real issue at hand isn't the marketing of teen motherhood to the youths of America, but the fact that the clothes bought by teen mothers will only be useful for 9 months and they'll eventually have to replace their maternity wardrobe for everysubsequent pregnancy.
I'd love to see the teen mothers bowling league, obviously they exist if the Manhattan Bowling Bag is an essential
It's time to boycott Forever 21 for this outrageous inevitability. It should be every American's policy to not shop at this selfish and soulless retailer until every piece of maternity wear is guaranteed for at LEAST 3 pregnancies.
Monday, July 26, 2010
God probably enjoys Michael Bay films
Certifiable nutjob Fred Phelp's church (Westboro Baptist) decided to protest outside of comicon in San Diego this past weekend, the geeks threw a protest of their own.

An interview with Maggie Phelps from the event (scroll down to the bottom).
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I Walked On Your Face
So hey, it’s the 41st anniversary of the first moon landing, so I thought I’d take a few minutes to jot some of my thoughts about the current space exploration quandary that the US has found itself in.
On February 1st of this year, President Obama announced the cancellation of NASA’s Constellation program. For those not in the know, the Constellation Program, an initiative started by Former President Bush, was created with the ultimate goal of landing a man on Mars. Ares, the rocket platform designed for Constellation and the base for other planned missions, although not cancelled, has found itself in a dire situation because without Constellation, there is really no point to it’s existence.
Unfortunately, the plan that is being implemented by Obama in place of Constellation is completely and utterly nonsensical. Contrary to common sense, over the next five years the NASA budget is being expanded by over 2 billion dollars for the creation of a NEW heavy lift platform that will be ready for construction by 2015 (Of which 6 billion dollars of additional capital was promised beyond the NASA budget increase) and to explore more commercial private launch solutions. In addition to scraping the Constellation program, Obama also denied an extension of Shuttle service beyond the final scheduled missions to complete the International Space Station, subsequently leaving the United States no way to get into low earth orbit.

The Ares I-X Rocket Inaugural Test Flight - 10/28/2009
When will a space shuttle replacement be ready?
Why does NASA still exist?
Why kill a project only to then throw more money to start over again?
The goal of starting construction on a new heavy lift platform by 2015 and having a manned mission to Mars by 2030 is probably the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard. Even with an unlimited budget, there is no way that a platform could be designed and tested for production over a 4-5 year period. The Ares V, which yes was over budget and behind schedule (Mainly due to the fact that the program was under funded to begin with) wouldn’t have been ready for realistic use for another 10 years, and that uses much of our existing technology.

Space X's Falcon 9 Payload Launch Platform
The focus on private enterprise seems like a great idea in theory, but it creates the same problems with little benefit besides a relative decrease in costs. The current front runner for Heavy lift is Space X, who’s Falcon 9 Heavy Lift design could theoretically lift 59,000 pounds to LEO (In comparison to the 350,000 pounds of Ares V). The potential of using existing Orion (The manned space capsule designed for Constellation to sit on top of the Ares I rocket) designs are being explored, but are years from testing and practical use. I don't quite think Obama knows the amount of work that goes into the design of a launch system, it's not a toaster for gods sake, it isn't an automobile that you can recall if there is a detrimental design flaw.
Space exploration is no joke; if something goes wrong, people die.
I could talk about this subject ad nauseum but the ultimate point that I wanted to get across on this historic anniversary is that I used to dream of the day that I would see a human step foot on Mars, and sadly I think it’ll remain a dream for many decades to come.
On February 1st of this year, President Obama announced the cancellation of NASA’s Constellation program. For those not in the know, the Constellation Program, an initiative started by Former President Bush, was created with the ultimate goal of landing a man on Mars. Ares, the rocket platform designed for Constellation and the base for other planned missions, although not cancelled, has found itself in a dire situation because without Constellation, there is really no point to it’s existence.
Unfortunately, the plan that is being implemented by Obama in place of Constellation is completely and utterly nonsensical. Contrary to common sense, over the next five years the NASA budget is being expanded by over 2 billion dollars for the creation of a NEW heavy lift platform that will be ready for construction by 2015 (Of which 6 billion dollars of additional capital was promised beyond the NASA budget increase) and to explore more commercial private launch solutions. In addition to scraping the Constellation program, Obama also denied an extension of Shuttle service beyond the final scheduled missions to complete the International Space Station, subsequently leaving the United States no way to get into low earth orbit.

When will a space shuttle replacement be ready?
Why does NASA still exist?
Why kill a project only to then throw more money to start over again?
The goal of starting construction on a new heavy lift platform by 2015 and having a manned mission to Mars by 2030 is probably the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard. Even with an unlimited budget, there is no way that a platform could be designed and tested for production over a 4-5 year period. The Ares V, which yes was over budget and behind schedule (Mainly due to the fact that the program was under funded to begin with) wouldn’t have been ready for realistic use for another 10 years, and that uses much of our existing technology.

The focus on private enterprise seems like a great idea in theory, but it creates the same problems with little benefit besides a relative decrease in costs. The current front runner for Heavy lift is Space X, who’s Falcon 9 Heavy Lift design could theoretically lift 59,000 pounds to LEO (In comparison to the 350,000 pounds of Ares V). The potential of using existing Orion (The manned space capsule designed for Constellation to sit on top of the Ares I rocket) designs are being explored, but are years from testing and practical use. I don't quite think Obama knows the amount of work that goes into the design of a launch system, it's not a toaster for gods sake, it isn't an automobile that you can recall if there is a detrimental design flaw.
Space exploration is no joke; if something goes wrong, people die.
I could talk about this subject ad nauseum but the ultimate point that I wanted to get across on this historic anniversary is that I used to dream of the day that I would see a human step foot on Mars, and sadly I think it’ll remain a dream for many decades to come.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
God of Cannes?
I know, I know, two video game posts in a row...
For anyone not in the know, God Of War, the long running Greek epic which has spanned 4 games on the PS2, PSP and now PS3 has long rumored to be getting a live action film adaptation, much like any successful video game franchise. As rumors of early script leaks have said it will be pretty close to the narrative of the game here is what it might look like (A Trailer from God of War 3)
But here is an equally great alternative:
I suppose this also says something about the state of indie filmmaking and how stale it has become when this trailer actual seems plausible. Then again, maybe not.
For anyone not in the know, God Of War, the long running Greek epic which has spanned 4 games on the PS2, PSP and now PS3 has long rumored to be getting a live action film adaptation, much like any successful video game franchise. As rumors of early script leaks have said it will be pretty close to the narrative of the game here is what it might look like (A Trailer from God of War 3)
But here is an equally great alternative:
I suppose this also says something about the state of indie filmmaking and how stale it has become when this trailer actual seems plausible. Then again, maybe not.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Long Titles Are All The Rage.

Since moving home back with my parents and not having cable television in my room, I have been spending a lot of time in the living room watching television with my Mother. This communal situation has led to the watching of more then my fair share of television fluff ie HGTV and The Food Network. House Hunters is naturally one of the go to programs that my Mother and I settle upon and with that has come the realization that just about every House Hunters episode has an absurd title. Unlike most programs, House Hunters episode titles are all encompassing and usually pretty funny.
Here are a few of my favorites - And remember these are the actual titles of each episode, not the episode description.
'Selling Soap and Settling Down'
'Californian Teacher Wants to Get in Touch with Her Roots and Buy a Vacation Home in Calabria, Italy'
'After 40 Years in her Suburban Home in New Jersey, Barbara is Relocating to New Orleans to be With the Love of her Life'
'A Dietician Has a Small Budget But Big Dreams for Her Starter Home'
'A Neglected Home in Foreclosure Tempts Atlanta Buyers with a Pool and More Space Than the Other Homes in Their Price Range'
And the episode title that inspired me to look with eager anticipation at every subsequent episode's title:
'After Surviving The Painful Break Up Of Her 33 Year Marriage, A Woman Decides To Buy A House In Gulfport Mississippi'
Also does anyone like David Bromstad? He is all kinds of annoying to me.
Bang Bang Bang
Mark Ronson is amazing. From his 2003 hip hop album, which despite middling reviews and even worse sales I still rock in my car every occasion I get, to his UK triple platinum 2007 cover album Version, Mark Ronson has proven that he is one of the most stylish producers out there. The first single for his upcoming third album, Record Collection, Bang Bang Bang is just one more example of the man's greatness. Featuring MNDR's Amanda Warner and Ronson favorite Q-Tip, Bang Bang Bang should make a splash in America following it's rise to the top of the charts in the UK. Check out the video which melds a Japanese and French talk show with a fever dream from the 1980's.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Over the past few months (mainly with the advent of summer vacation and lack of a full-time job) I have been watching a ton of animated stuff in a sort of homage to the wasted days of my youth where I spent more time in front of the tv then is probably recommended. Upon really looking what the purveyors of childhood entertainment (Nickelodeon, Disney, Cartoon Network) offer in the way of animated programs, it seems like a cruel joke at some point as it relates to someone like me. When looked through the forgiving lense of nostalgia, the programs that I watched as a child were much the same, but it honestly feels as if something has been lost along the way (Although Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends is pretty solid).
This point is perfectly illustrated in the way that the Star Wars: Clone Wars television series was handled. The original Clone Wars shorts, created by Genndy Tartakovsky (Dexter’s Lab, Power Puff Girls), featured stunning animation, a serviceable voice cast, and frankly didn’t suck at all. Coming off the success of Samurai Jack, which I would argue is by far the best American produced animated series ever, Clone Wars took everything that Tartakovsky had learned about pacing and implemented it into the best Star Wars narrative and execution since Return of the Jedi. Doing what he does best, Lucas threw out the best pieces of the animated series (mainly Tartakovsky’s involvement) and replaced it with a 3D animated style that seems to pale in comparison to the original.
Traditional animated features have become all but extinct in the US in favor of CGI animation, which has become somewhat of a bore. There are definitely quality films that are wholly computer animated, but the shear number of titles released over the last five years is out of control. Pixar has retained a high level of standard compared to the vast majority of other studios, and I think it may be time, especially after being acquired by Disney, to put the minds and talents at Pixar into developing a traditionally animated feature. Unfortunately if a film like Ponyo can’t make money in the US, Pixar will probably continue riding the CGI train well into the foreseeable future.
Cartoons that seem specifically aimed at adults in America really seem to vary in quality and relevance; I would even go as far as saying that Seth MacFarlane (Although this trend is nothing new, it just seems to have grown since his march to prominence) has contributed greatly to the weird and possibly irreversible stigma in the US that, as far as animated programs go, comedy is the only subject matter appropriate for consumption. I wholeheartedly enjoy Futurama and will occasionally get a good chuckle from Fox’s Sunday ‘Animation Domination,’ but after a while I’m continually left with an overload of jokes and no substance to accompany them. With the exception of the Boondocks, Adult Swim’s programming block provides little difference from its mainstream brethren as it recycles the same material in differing packages year after year.
The Boondocks is probably my prime go-to example of what animation created for adults should strive to be (I need to see more of it but Archer seems on the right path as well). Although still a comedy, The Boondocks presents it's humor in such a more intelligent way. Riley’s speech about the use of the term ‘No Homo’ makes this point loud and clear:
Well said Riley, well said indeed.
So I suppose that leads me naturally to where I’ll begin this little run down, as I have had to turn to Japan and it’s overly crowded and incredibly bloated animation scene. Don’t get me wrong, Japan has ten times the amount of garbage and pointless programming as compared to the US, but because of the shear amount of shows being produced, a few Boondocks-esque level of quality programs make there way to the surface. Some of these shows I’m quite new to and others I’ve known about for awhile, but I’m just gonna throw them out there in no particular order.
The first piece I’m going to talk about is not actually a series (well not yet at least) and represents a one off piece of animation almost entirely made up of the efforts of one individual, Atsuya Yuki. Consisting of one 30 minute feature, created, animated, and directed by Yuki, Cencoroll follows the story of a boy who can control a shape shifting being and what happens when a classmate discovers this secret. The background animation of Cencoroll borders on the surreal in what seems to be a combination of photography and traditional animation in a style fit for the Photoshop generation. There has been talk about producing a full series (Usually 12-15 episodes) but nothing concrete has been announced, if I were running SyFy I would be throwing money at this immediately.
Bakemonogatari & Katanagatari
Next up is kind of a double feature with Bakemonogatari (Ghost Story) and Katanagatari (Sword Story), with both animated adaptations coming from works created by Nisio Isin. Both encompass really fantastic (yet completely different) art styles, great character development, and strangely compelling dialogue that takes center stage above action.
Senjogahara: I wanted you to see these clothes first if possible, Araragi-kun.
Araragi: Hey, if you wanted to show them to me first...Well, uh, that makes it sound like a stroke of luck or an honor.
Senjogahara: I didn't want to show you them, Araragi-kun. I wanted you to see them. The nuance is completely different.
It’s a little hard to understand the context of the quote but in all honesty the writing in both of these shows draw comparisons to how Tarantino uses dialogue in much more conversational tones (Madonna– Reservoir Dogs, Royale with Cheese – Pulp Fiction) thus exposing narrative through character interactions as opposed to more in your face approaches to storytelling. Bakemonogatari is not a great starting point as it tends to pander to it's audience far more then necessary, but the good still outweighs it's negative aspects.
Michiko to Hatchin
Michiko to Hatchin, somewhat of a spiritual successor to Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo (Both of which are fantastic, especially Bebop, which is one of my favorite television series ever), sees an escaped convict liberate the daughter of a former boyfriend from an abusive foster family with the hope of tracking him down. The sticking point to Michiko to Hatchin comes in the form of it’s Latin American setting, and although the Japanese dialogue somewhat breaks the illusion, fantastic voice acting from the series leads (Yoko Maki – The Grudge, and Suzuka Ohgo – Memoirs of a Geisha) and music from Brazilian musician Alexandre Kassin (Who was also on my latin playlist from yesterday...SYNERGY!) make what could have been a disaster into a great series.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Lastly, and although pretty well known - I’m mentioning it only because it is a decent launching point for those unfamiliar with Japanese animation, or individuals with little interest due to the subculture that anime and manga fans in the US represent – is the Japanese cultural phenomenon, I’m talking Lunch Boxes, Figurines, Video Games, Music CD’s, Radio Plays, Body Pillows, a Macarena-esque accompanying dance phenomenon (Even the ever active and well choreographed Indonesian prisoners know it) it apparent that Japan digs it?
In what I would call Fringe/The X-Files meets Scooby Doo, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya follows the title character as she assembles a club at her high school to search for the paranormal and unexplained. Unbeknownst to her, Haruhi harbors the power to unconsciously manipulate reality, which sees a psychic, time traveler and cyborg all become members of her club, as well as the reluctant narrator. So a tad confusing to sum up in a single sentence, and although it doesn't break any new ground, Huruhi represents a lighter approach from the usual science fiction narratives that can feel overly heavy and convoluted at times.

Other Quick Recommendations:
Pretty much anything by Satoshi Kon (Paprika, Tokyo Godfathers) is an enjoyable watch as they have a tad more meat and are much more serious then most animated films in the US. From what I’ve seen of trailers and a simple plot synopsis, Paprika and the upcoming film Inception seem to share similar themes and imagery as both deal with exploring individuals dreams and the consequences associated with manipulating the unconscious mind.
Akira - A cult classic - see this video for a specific example for the absurd level of detail.
This point is perfectly illustrated in the way that the Star Wars: Clone Wars television series was handled. The original Clone Wars shorts, created by Genndy Tartakovsky (Dexter’s Lab, Power Puff Girls), featured stunning animation, a serviceable voice cast, and frankly didn’t suck at all. Coming off the success of Samurai Jack, which I would argue is by far the best American produced animated series ever, Clone Wars took everything that Tartakovsky had learned about pacing and implemented it into the best Star Wars narrative and execution since Return of the Jedi. Doing what he does best, Lucas threw out the best pieces of the animated series (mainly Tartakovsky’s involvement) and replaced it with a 3D animated style that seems to pale in comparison to the original.
Traditional animated features have become all but extinct in the US in favor of CGI animation, which has become somewhat of a bore. There are definitely quality films that are wholly computer animated, but the shear number of titles released over the last five years is out of control. Pixar has retained a high level of standard compared to the vast majority of other studios, and I think it may be time, especially after being acquired by Disney, to put the minds and talents at Pixar into developing a traditionally animated feature. Unfortunately if a film like Ponyo can’t make money in the US, Pixar will probably continue riding the CGI train well into the foreseeable future.
Cartoons that seem specifically aimed at adults in America really seem to vary in quality and relevance; I would even go as far as saying that Seth MacFarlane (Although this trend is nothing new, it just seems to have grown since his march to prominence) has contributed greatly to the weird and possibly irreversible stigma in the US that, as far as animated programs go, comedy is the only subject matter appropriate for consumption. I wholeheartedly enjoy Futurama and will occasionally get a good chuckle from Fox’s Sunday ‘Animation Domination,’ but after a while I’m continually left with an overload of jokes and no substance to accompany them. With the exception of the Boondocks, Adult Swim’s programming block provides little difference from its mainstream brethren as it recycles the same material in differing packages year after year.
The Boondocks is probably my prime go-to example of what animation created for adults should strive to be (I need to see more of it but Archer seems on the right path as well). Although still a comedy, The Boondocks presents it's humor in such a more intelligent way. Riley’s speech about the use of the term ‘No Homo’ makes this point loud and clear:
Well said Riley, well said indeed.
So I suppose that leads me naturally to where I’ll begin this little run down, as I have had to turn to Japan and it’s overly crowded and incredibly bloated animation scene. Don’t get me wrong, Japan has ten times the amount of garbage and pointless programming as compared to the US, but because of the shear amount of shows being produced, a few Boondocks-esque level of quality programs make there way to the surface. Some of these shows I’m quite new to and others I’ve known about for awhile, but I’m just gonna throw them out there in no particular order.
The first piece I’m going to talk about is not actually a series (well not yet at least) and represents a one off piece of animation almost entirely made up of the efforts of one individual, Atsuya Yuki. Consisting of one 30 minute feature, created, animated, and directed by Yuki, Cencoroll follows the story of a boy who can control a shape shifting being and what happens when a classmate discovers this secret. The background animation of Cencoroll borders on the surreal in what seems to be a combination of photography and traditional animation in a style fit for the Photoshop generation. There has been talk about producing a full series (Usually 12-15 episodes) but nothing concrete has been announced, if I were running SyFy I would be throwing money at this immediately.
Bakemonogatari & Katanagatari
Next up is kind of a double feature with Bakemonogatari (Ghost Story) and Katanagatari (Sword Story), with both animated adaptations coming from works created by Nisio Isin. Both encompass really fantastic (yet completely different) art styles, great character development, and strangely compelling dialogue that takes center stage above action.
Senjogahara: I wanted you to see these clothes first if possible, Araragi-kun.
Araragi: Hey, if you wanted to show them to me first...Well, uh, that makes it sound like a stroke of luck or an honor.
Senjogahara: I didn't want to show you them, Araragi-kun. I wanted you to see them. The nuance is completely different.
It’s a little hard to understand the context of the quote but in all honesty the writing in both of these shows draw comparisons to how Tarantino uses dialogue in much more conversational tones (Madonna– Reservoir Dogs, Royale with Cheese – Pulp Fiction) thus exposing narrative through character interactions as opposed to more in your face approaches to storytelling. Bakemonogatari is not a great starting point as it tends to pander to it's audience far more then necessary, but the good still outweighs it's negative aspects.
Michiko to Hatchin
Michiko to Hatchin, somewhat of a spiritual successor to Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo (Both of which are fantastic, especially Bebop, which is one of my favorite television series ever), sees an escaped convict liberate the daughter of a former boyfriend from an abusive foster family with the hope of tracking him down. The sticking point to Michiko to Hatchin comes in the form of it’s Latin American setting, and although the Japanese dialogue somewhat breaks the illusion, fantastic voice acting from the series leads (Yoko Maki – The Grudge, and Suzuka Ohgo – Memoirs of a Geisha) and music from Brazilian musician Alexandre Kassin (Who was also on my latin playlist from yesterday...SYNERGY!) make what could have been a disaster into a great series.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Lastly, and although pretty well known - I’m mentioning it only because it is a decent launching point for those unfamiliar with Japanese animation, or individuals with little interest due to the subculture that anime and manga fans in the US represent – is the Japanese cultural phenomenon, I’m talking Lunch Boxes, Figurines, Video Games, Music CD’s, Radio Plays, Body Pillows, a Macarena-esque accompanying dance phenomenon (Even the ever active and well choreographed Indonesian prisoners know it) it apparent that Japan digs it?
In what I would call Fringe/The X-Files meets Scooby Doo, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya follows the title character as she assembles a club at her high school to search for the paranormal and unexplained. Unbeknownst to her, Haruhi harbors the power to unconsciously manipulate reality, which sees a psychic, time traveler and cyborg all become members of her club, as well as the reluctant narrator. So a tad confusing to sum up in a single sentence, and although it doesn't break any new ground, Huruhi represents a lighter approach from the usual science fiction narratives that can feel overly heavy and convoluted at times.

Other Quick Recommendations:
Pretty much anything by Satoshi Kon (Paprika, Tokyo Godfathers) is an enjoyable watch as they have a tad more meat and are much more serious then most animated films in the US. From what I’ve seen of trailers and a simple plot synopsis, Paprika and the upcoming film Inception seem to share similar themes and imagery as both deal with exploring individuals dreams and the consequences associated with manipulating the unconscious mind.
Akira - A cult classic - see this video for a specific example for the absurd level of detail.
Of course it goes with out saying, but anything Miyazaki is great, for one of his films that is under the radar for most fans, check out Castle of Cagliostro, a film he directed set in the Lupin the III universe.
Eve No Jikan – Miniseries examining the possible outcomes for human and android social interactions.
Grave of the Fireflies – Quite possibly the most gut-wrenching piece of cinema ever created, I’m not embarrassed to say I cried… Roger Ebert's take on the film
Eve No Jikan – Miniseries examining the possible outcomes for human and android social interactions.
Grave of the Fireflies – Quite possibly the most gut-wrenching piece of cinema ever created, I’m not embarrassed to say I cried… Roger Ebert's take on the film
I suppose FLCL should go on here too as it was my first exposure way back in 8th grade to anime that wasn't Pokemon or Dragonball. FLCL is weird, Really weird. If I could think of something similar I would mention it, but it is pretty far out there.
Notice there are no giant robot suggestions? Well thats because they tend to be horribly awful, Evangelion is probably of the highest quality and best regarded, but while watching it you'll realize that it loves itself far too much.
Japanese animation shouldn't be intimidating, nor should watching it lead to a sense of embarrassment. Often times those unfamiliar with anime and manga tend to lump everything together in some sort of nebulous ball made up from whatever limited experiences they have had - Believe me, if it was all like Pokemon I wouldn't be watching either. Fanatics of any subculture tend to be annoying, weird, and just plain strange to the uninitiated or ignorant, be it anime, Twilight (Can you say creepy Twilight body pillow? I sure can!), or LOST.
Japanese animation shouldn't be intimidating, nor should watching it lead to a sense of embarrassment. Often times those unfamiliar with anime and manga tend to lump everything together in some sort of nebulous ball made up from whatever limited experiences they have had - Believe me, if it was all like Pokemon I wouldn't be watching either. Fanatics of any subculture tend to be annoying, weird, and just plain strange to the uninitiated or ignorant, be it anime, Twilight (Can you say creepy Twilight body pillow? I sure can!), or LOST.
Clip from the Japanese DUB of The Boondocks... Amazing?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Getting into the swing of things
I've decided to kick off this new blog with a few music recommendations, and for the most part I am going to try to stick to a specific theme (at least as far as music is concerned) for each post I write to keep things from getting too random...and the theme for this one is...wait for it....Latin!
So without further ado here are a few of my favorites for your listening pleasure:
1. Quantic - Cuidad Del Swing
2. Stan Getz ann João Gilberto - Vivo Sonhando (Dreamer)
3. Buena Vista Social Club - Veinte Años
4. Calexico - El Gatillo (Trigger Revisited)
5. Vinicius di Moraes -Samba em Preludio
6. David Byrne & Fatboy Slim - Every Drop Of Rain (feat. Candie Payne & St. Vincent)
7. Kassin+2 - Samba Machine
8. Kassin - Desencanto
9. Quantic & His Combo Barbaro - Linda Morena
So without further ado here are a few of my favorites for your listening pleasure:
1. Quantic - Cuidad Del Swing
2. Stan Getz ann João Gilberto - Vivo Sonhando (Dreamer)
3. Buena Vista Social Club - Veinte Años
4. Calexico - El Gatillo (Trigger Revisited)
5. Vinicius di Moraes -Samba em Preludio
6. David Byrne & Fatboy Slim - Every Drop Of Rain (feat. Candie Payne & St. Vincent)
7. Kassin+2 - Samba Machine
8. Kassin - Desencanto
9. Quantic & His Combo Barbaro - Linda Morena
and of course...
10. Latin Simone - Gorillaz
Welcome One and Probably Only...
I'm Starting this new tome to chronicle the dumb things I enjoy and love writing about. I can't promise regular updates, but I am gonna make a proactive goal of... oh what the hell, this will probably be update-less for the next 6 months after the initial fervor wears off, but I'm here to give it a go anyways.

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