Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Man, sometimes I love Fox News. I think it was Bill Hemmer, although I'm not the best at face recognition in the glimpses I get when I walk into my Dad's room and he has the channel on, but Hemmer stated "100 billion dollars in aid over 30 years and what has it gotten us... a 17 percent [US] approval rating"

Hmm, 100 billion dollars in Aid? Aid? Really, more like 100 billion dollars in bribes straight into Mubarak's pocket in exchange for stabilizing the area, and staying out of our business in the region. Maybe Egyption public opinion of the US isn't great because those same "Aid" dollars helped Mubarak stay in power as a functioning dictator? I mean, just a thought.

Let me throw out a hypothetical here, let's say the Chinese decide they love Obama (Which frankly they do), so they spend billions of dollars in political campaigns making sure that he get's reelected (and while they are at it get the constitution amended to allow for more then two terms) and serves for another 25 years. You think the American public would suddenly embrace the Chinese people and government with open arms? You think the Fox News pundits would break bread at the same table? (Well probably since the Chinese will probably end up owning News Corp at some point in the next 25 years).

It is understandable that Egypt hates us, stop trying to justify with your stupid rhetoric that they should love us because of the amount of money that we have pumped into the Egyptian government (The same government that has oppressed them) over the pas 30 years.

Alright, I've said my peace.

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